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Livres en anglais

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29,50 €
Book THE SHÔTÔKAN-KARATE DICTIONARY, by SCHLATT, 18 x 25,7 cm, new 4th edition, 296 pages, english. Compendium in which to look up the Japanese terminology used in the art of Karate-Do.
32,95 €
Livre OKINAWAN KEMPO por Choki MOTOBU, 15 x 22 cm, 127 pages, anglais. Classical work from 1926. Paperback. Meaning and Origins of Karate - Styles and Changes - Position and Hip - Kempo Minor Rules - Kumite: 12...
29,95 €
Livre My Art Motobu Choki "Watashi no Karate-jutsu". "Histoires non racontées". compilation et traduction par Patrick et Yuriko McCarthy, 14 x 20,5 cm, 119 pages, anglais. 
Affichage 1-60 de 65 article(s)


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