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Livro CHRIS DENWOOD - Respecting the Old, Creating the New, Inglês

Livro CHRIS DENWOOD - Respecting the Old, Creating the New, inglês, 180 páginas. 

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19,50 €
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Livro CHRIS DENWOOD - Respecting the Old, Creating the New, inglês, 180 páginas. A collection of lessons, thoughts & beliefs on the analysis of traditional karate for self-protection and personal growth'. This book is an accumulation of around five years work and is comprised of a selection of the authors articles and short philosophical thoughts on the analysis of traditional karate for civilian self-protection and personal growth. Heavily illustrated with over 230 pictures, covered in this book are 22 thought-provoking chapters on history, kata bunkai (analysis), training methods, theoretical study, pragmatic application, overarching concepts, in addition to some of the author's personal insights, experiences and stories.

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