Livro GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association, Inglês e Japonês
Livro GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association (J.K.G.A.), Formato: 18 x 26 cm, 231 páginas - Inglês/Japonês
Libro GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association (J.K.G.A.), Formato: 18 x 26 cm, 231 páginas - Inglés/Japonés. Teaching book published for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei, founder and grand master of J.K.G.A.: Sanchin incl. bunkai, Taikyoku: Jodan 2, Chudan 2, Gedan 1, Kakeuke 1, Mawashiuke 1, Gekisai Dai-ichi incl. bunkai, Gekisai Dai-ni, incl. bunkai, Saifa incl. bunkai, Seinchin incl. bunkai, Sanseru incl. bunkai. Clear fotos step by step for all official kata from all angles of view, with clear instructions and examples of Kata Bunkai.
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