24,90 €
Livro WADO-RYU KARATE THE COMPLETE ART UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON, Inglês, 17 x 24,5 cm, 236 páginas.
Livro WADO-RYU KARATE UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON,Inglês, 15 x 21 cm, 88 páginas.
Livro WADO-RYU KARATE UNCOVERED, by Frank JOHNSON,Inglês, 15 x 21 cm, 88 páginas. A unique book taking the reader into Japanese Martial arts like no other book before. The reader can almost feel he is there. The author, Frank Johnson, trained in Japan with past masters and has included technical information never before published in books in the West. For sure, whatever martial art you study, you will greatly benefit from this fascinating book.
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