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Livro MASTER MASAO KAWASOE 8th DAN, The Foundations of Shotokan, Dr. Clive Layton, Inglês

Livro MASTER MASAO KAWASOE, The Foundations of Shotokan Karate Technique, escrito por Dr. Clive Layton, 15 x 23 cm, 96 páginas, inglês. 

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Livro MASTER MASAO KAWASOE, The Foundations of Shotokan Karate Technique, escrito por Dr. Clive Layton, 15 x 23 cm, 96 páginas, inglês.  An explorative rendering based on an extended interview. Note: This is not a training manual! This book is an engaging, highly informative, thought-provoking and interactive read that could well prove to be the most important in-depth technical treatise on Shotokan karate ever written. Master Kawasoe, 8th Dan, a world-renown Shotokan technician of fifty years experience, describes, using just one stance, two variations of one type of punch and two types of block, what he believes underpins all Shotokan technique. The book details a bio-mechanical five-step sequence of inward actions that pick-up, momentarily store and channel energy, and the outward process of delivering and focussing that energy – all in about one-fifth of a second! Master Masao Kawasoe and the Foundations of Shotokan Karate Technique will surely last the test of time, for not only is it a wonderfully innovative work, but because it clearly explains, in a reader friendly manner, the very essence of what makes Master Kawasoe’s karate so special.

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