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DVD BEST KARATE of NAKA, Tatsuya, anglais

DVD BEST KARATE of NAKA, Tatsuya, English and Japanese. Vol.1

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38,95 €
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DVD BEST KARATE of NAKA, Tatsuya, English and Japanese. Vol.1

Sensei NAKA is 6th Dan JKA and one of the main actors of the cinema film 'Kuro Obi'. He is now the main exponent of the 'New, developped technical approach of the JKA'.

Vol.1 (60 min.): Body exercises with moving Chu-tanden. KIHON: Sonkyo and Shizentai, Sambonzuki - to use hip sharply, Kibadachi - falling the center of gravity, Zenkutsudachi - falling the center of gravity, Stepping - moving Chu-tanden, Kata "Taikyoku Shodan" - falling the center of gravity, Aplicaciones de Kizami tsuki y gyaku tsuki.

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