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DVD Kiyohide Shinjo, the successor to the Okinawa Uechi-ryu

DVD Kiyohide Shinjo, the successor to the Okinawa Uechi-ryu, NTSC, 76 min., all region.

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38,95 €
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DVD Kiyohide Shinjo, the successor to the Okinawa Uechi-ryu, NTSC, 76 min., all region.

Build a strong body and spirit for an absolute victory! How to use Makiwara / How to train Sokusen - Interview 1 - Sanchin - Auxiliary exercise - Shomen-geri - Sokuto-geri - Mawashi-zuki - Seiken-zuki - Hiji-zuki (Hiji-uchi) - Hajiki-uke / Hiraken-zuki - Wa-uke / Shuto-Uraken / Shoken-zuki - Tenshin / Maeashi-geri - Tenshin / Ushiroashi-geri - Tenshin / Shoken-zuki - Shomen-hajiki - Koi-no-Shippo-Tate-uchi - Koi-no-Shippo-Yoko-uchi - Bunkai of Auxiliary exercise - Sokuto-geri - Seiken-zuki - Mawashi-zuki - Hiji-uchi - Shomen-hajiki - Koi-no-Shippo-uchi - Features of Uechi-ryu / Seisan - Bunkai of Seisan - How to train Sanseiryu / Greetings of the ending - Interview 2.

Kiyohide Shinjo was born in 1951. He is the President of Uechi-ryu Karatedo Kenyukai. In 1960 he began studying Karate under his father, Seiyu Shinjo, and in 1981 he took over his father's Uechi-ryu Karatedo Kenyukai. He has won the overall Kata and Kumite championships for nine consecutive years at tournaments hosted by the Uechi-ryu Karatedo Association.

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